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Delphi/C++Builder Programming Components&Libraries
[538] InterBaseExpress 5.04 / 6.04 / 7.04 (C++Builder5, 6 / Delphi 5, 6, 7)
박지훈.임프 [cbuilder] 13395 읽음    2002-10-16 04:35
IBXDP704.EXE 1.8MB IBX update for D7
C++Builder/Delphi에 포함된 InterBaseExpress 컴퍼넌트들의 업데이트 버전인 X.04 버전입니다.
지난 4월에 X.03 버전이 나오고는 처음이니, 꽤 오래간만에 나왔죠?
(메이저 버전이 C++Builder나 Delphi의 버전에 맞추어져 있으므로 5.0x, 6.0x, 7.0x는 모두 같은

델파이5용 5.04 버전은 SP1 이상을 설치한 후에 깔아야 하며, 델파이6용 6.04를 델파이6 SP2와 함께
설치할 경우에는 SP2를 먼저 설치해야 합니다.
델파이7의 경우에는 런타임 패키지가 기존의 ibxpress70.bpl에서 ibxpress71.bpl으로 이름이 바뀌었습니다.

다음은 readme 파일에 포함된 새로운 기능 및 수정된 내용의 리스트입니다.

6.04 fixes / enhancements

1.  IBClientDataSet MasterFields with multiple fields are
    now properly handled.

2.  Calling ApplyUpdates when not in CachedUpdate mode now
    raises an Exception.

3.  Added Boolean support to IBCustomDataSet (future IB 7.0

4.  changing the transaction now unprepares IBCustomDatasets

5.  IBCustomDataset's DoBeforeEdit fires before the IBX custom
    code instead of after.

6.  IBCustomDataset now honors the FixedChar property.  Setting
    it to false will right trim the string, leaving it true will
    treat it like a CHAR data type.

7.  Default value attributes correctly handled (Required is
    turned off).

8.  Changed support to copy the master value down to the detail field
    on a new record.  The GeneratorField will fire first before
    the copy is made.  Also there is a new global variable,
    CopyMasterFieldToDetail, which MUST be true for this to work. 
    It defaults to false.  The copy logic is simple, if
    the master field name matches the detail param name and also
    matches a detail field name it will be copied down.

9.  IBCustomDataSet's SetActive now sets the underlying
    StreamedActive to the value passed and not true.

10. Create fields now correctly sets the ProviderFlags for
    computed fields.

11. IBDatabase - When destroying now tries to Close normally and does a
    ForceClose only if that fails.

12. IBDatabase - better support for loss of connection.  Should no
    longer stack overflow and everything is properly closed. 
    The actual error message though is not always a lost
    connection error message.

13. Default Values found better for the Schema cache.

14. IBSQL AsVariant now supports Int64 fields (D6/BCB6 only).

15. IBSQL AsVariant now supports varShortInt, varWord, varLongWord
    Variant types (D6/BCB6 only).

16. IBSQL now uses GUIDs to name the cursor so Randomize no
    longer necessary when used in Dlls (D6/BCB6 only).

17. IBSQL -  Changing the Transaction now frees the handle from the
    old transaction first.

18. IBTable - InitfieldDefs now correctly handles Default
    field types.

19. IBTable no longer errors out on Views, ReadOnly is set
    true instead.

20. IBConnectionBroker - ExhustedDelay property now spelled
    (Sorry I did not override DefineProperties to maintain backwards

23. IBFilterDialog - Execute is now a function and return a boolean
    (true on the OK button false on the cancel).

24. IBScript - Support for RECONNECT.  RECONNECT ends the current
    connection and reconnects using the same connection parameters.

25. IBSCript - Character Sets now supported through the SET NAMES

25. IBScript - Transaction not started on some DML statements now

27. IBSQLParser - Parses SET NAMES command.

28. QIBFilterDialog - Added Notification to stop AVs when the
    underlying dataset destroyed.

29. QIBFilterDialog - Execute is now a function and return a boolean
    (true on the OK button false on the cancel).

30. QIBFilterDialog prepared for internationalization.

31. Sprig support (Object Tree View) for all appropriate IBXtras
    components at design time.

32. IBFilterDialog - Fixed an AV when switching SQL statements at the
    dataset level but the second statement has fewer parameters than
    the original.

+ -

관련 글 리스트
538 InterBaseExpress 5.04 / 6.04 / 7.04 (C++Builder5, 6 / Delphi 5, 6, 7) 박지훈.임프 13395 2002/10/16
(링크)     FireBird 자료실 > InterBaseExpress 5.04 / 6.04 / 7.04 (C++Builder5, 6 / Delphi 5, 6, 7)
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