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C++Builder Programming Tip&Tricks
[214] C++Builder 기능키 리스트
박지훈.임프 [cbuilder] 12707 읽음    2001-11-14 05:06

예전에 운영하던 천리안 프로그래머포럼의 자료실을 뒤지던 중에 발견한 C++Builder 핫키 리스트입니다.

*  Default keystroke mapping
   - Clipboard control
   - Debugger
   - Editor
   - Block commands
   - Bookmark operations
   - Cursor movement
   - Miscellaneous commands
   - System

│ Shortcut       │   Action or command                             │
│ F1             │Displays context-sensitive Help                  │
│ F4             │Run|Go to Cursor                                 │
│ F5             │Run|Toggle Breakpoint                            │
│ F7             │Run|Trace Into                                   │
│ F8             │Run|Step Over                                    │
│ F9             │Run|Run                                          │
│ F11            │View|Object Inspector                            │
│ F12            │View|Toggle Form/Unit                            │
│ @+0            │View|Window List                                          │
│ @+F2           │View|CPU                                                  │
│ @+F7           │Displays previous error in Message view                   │
│ @+F8           │Displays next error in Message view                       │
│ @+F10          │Displays a context menu                                   │
│ @+F11          │Displays Include Unit dialog                              │
│ @+F12          │Displays the Code editor                                  │
│ ^+F1           │Help|Topic Search                                         │
│ ^+F2           │Run|Program Reset                                         │
│ ^+F3           │View|Call Stack                                           │
│ ^+F4           │Closes current file                                       │
│ ^+F5           │Add Watch at Cursor                                       │
│ ^+F6           │Displays header file in Code editor                       │
│ ^+F7           │Evaluate/Modify                                           │
│ ^+F9           │Project|Compile                                           │
│ ^+F11          │isplays Open Project dialog                               │
│ ^+F12          │iew|Units                                                 │
│ ^+D            │Descends item (replaces Inspector window)                 │
│ ^+N            │Opens a new Inspector window                              │
│ ^+S            │Incremental search                                        │
│ ^+T            │Displays the Type Cast dialog                             │
│ ~+F7           │Run|Trace to Next Source Line                             │
│ ~+F11          │Displays Add to Project dialog                            │
│ ~+F12          │View|Forms                                                │
│ ^+~+P          │Plays back a key macro                                    │
│ ^+~+R          │Records a key macro                                       │
│ ^+K+D          │Accesses the menu bar                                     │
│ ^+S            │File|Save                                                 │
│ Clipboard control (Default)                                                │
│ Shortcut       │Action or command                                         │
│ ^+Ins          │Edit|Copy                                                 │
│ ~+Del          │Edit|Cut                                                  │
│ ~+Ins          │Edit|Paste                                                │
│ ^+C            │Edit|Copy                                                 │
│ ^+V            │Edit|Paste                                                │
│ ^+X            │Edit|Cut                                                  │
│ Editor (Default)                                                           │
│ F1             │Help|Topic Search                                         │
│ ^+F1           │Help|Topic Search                                         │
│ F3             │Search|Search Again                                       │
│ ^+E            │Search|Incremental Search                                 │
│ ^+F            │Search|Find                                               │
│ ^+I            │Inserts a tab character                                   │
│ ^+N            │Inserts a new line                                        │
│ ^+P            │Causes next character to be interpreted                   │
│                │as an ASCII sequence                                      │
│ ^+R            │Search|Replace                                            │
│ ^+S            │File|Save                                                 │
│ ^+T            │Deletes a word                                            │
│ ^+Y            │Deletes a line                                            │
│ ^+Z            │Edit|Undo                                                 │
│ ^+~+I          │Indents block                                             │
│ ^+~+U          │Outdents block                                            │
│ ^+~+Y          │Deletes to the end of a line                              │
│ ^+~+Z          │Edit|Redo                                                 │
│ @+[            │Finds the matching delimiter (forward)                    │
│ @+]            │Finds the matching delimiter (backward)                   │
│ End            │Moves to the end of a line                                │
│ Home           │Moves to the start of a line                              │
│ Enter          │Inserts a carriage return                                 │
│ Ins            │Turns insert mode on/off                                  │
│ Del            │Deletes the character to the right of the cursor          │
│ Backspace      │Deletes the character to the left of the cursor           │
│ Tab            │Inserts a tab                                             │
│ Space          │Inserts a blank space                                     │
│ Left Arrow     │Moves the cursor left one column, accounting              │
│                │for the autoindent setting                                │
│ Right Arrow    │Moves the cursor right one column, accounting             │
│                │for the autoindent setting                                │
│ Up Arrow       │Moves up one line                                         │
│ Down Arrow     │Moves down one line                                       │
│ Page Up        │Moves up one page                                         │
│ Page Down      │Moves down one page                                       │
│ ^+   ->        │Moves one word left                                       │
│ ^+   <-        │Moves one word right                                      │
│ ^+Tab          │Moves to the next code page (or file)                     │
│ ^+~+Tab        │Moves to the previous code page (or file)                 │
│ ^+Backspace    │Deletes the word to the right of the cursor               │
│ ^+Home         │Moves to the top of a file                                │
│ ^+End          │Moves to the end of a file                                │
│ ^+Del          │Deletes a currently selected block                        │
│ ^+Space        │Inserts a blank space                                     │
│ ^+PgDn         │Moves to the bottom of a screen                           │
│ ^+PgUp         │Moves to the top of a screen                              │
│ ^+Up Arrow     │Scrolls up one line                                       │
│ ^+Down Arrow   │Scrolls down one line                                     │
│ ^+Enter        │Opens file at cursor                                      │
│ ~+Tab          │Moves the cursor to the left one tab position             │
│ ~+Backspace    │Deletes the character to the left of the cursor           │
│ ~+Left Arrow   │Selects the character to the left of the cursor           │
│ ~+Right Arrow  │Selects the character to the right of the cursor          │
│ ~+Up Arrow     │Moves the cursor up one line and selects                  │
│                │from the left of the starting cursor position             │
│ ~+Down Arrow   │Moves the cursor down one line and selects                │
│                │from the right of the starting cursor position            │
│ ~+PgUp         │Moves the cursor up one screen and selects from the left  │
│                │of the starting cursor position                           │
│ ~+PgDn         │Moves the cursor down one line and selects                │
│                │from the right of the starting cursor position            │
│ ~+End          │Selects from the cursor position to the end of            │
│                │the current line                                          │
│ ~+Home         │Selects from the cursor position to the start of          │
│                │the current line                                          │
│ ~+Space        │Inserts a blank space                                     │
│ ~+Enter        │Inserts a new line with a carriage return                 │
│ ^+~+Left Arrow │Selects the word to the left of the cursor                │
│ ^+~+Right Arrow│Selects the word to the right of the cursor               │
│ ^+~+Home       │Selects from the cursor position to the start of          │
│                │the current file                                          │
│ ^+~+End        │Selects from the cursor position to the end of            │
│                │the current file                                          │
│ ^+~+PgDn       │Selects from the cursor position to the bottom of         │
│                │the screen                                                │
│ ^+~+PgUp       │Selects from the cursor position to the top of the screen │
│ ^+~+Tab        │Moves to the previous page                                │
│ @+Backspace    │Edit|Undo                                                 │
│ @+~+Backspace  │Edit|Redo                                                 │
│ @+~+Left Arrow │Selects the column to the left of the cursor              │
│ @+~+Right Arrow│Selects the column to the right of the cursor             │
│ @+~+Up Arrow   │Moves the cursor up one line and selects the column       │
│                │from the left of the starting cursor position             │
│ @+~+Down Arrow │Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column     │
│                │from the left of the starting cursor position             │
│ @+~+Page Up    │Moves the cursor up one screen and selects the column     │
│                │from the left of the starting cursor position             │
│ @+~+Page Down  │Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column     │
│                │from the right of the starting cursor position            │
│ @+~+End        │Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of │
│                │the current line                                          │
│ @+~+Home       │Selects the column from the cursor position to            │
│                │the start of the current line                             │
│ ^+@+~+Left Arrow │ Selects the column to the left of the cursor           │
│ ^+@+~+Right Arrow│ Selects the column to the right of the cursor          │
│ ^+@+~+Home       │ Selects the column from the cursor position to         │
│                  │ the start of the current file                          │
│ ^+@+~+End        │ Selects the column from the cursor position to         │
│                  │ the end of the current file                            │
│ ^+@+~+Page Up    │ Selects the column from the cursor position to         │
│                  │ the bottom of the screen                               │
│ ^+@+~+Page Down  │ Selects the column from the cursor position to         │
│                  │ the top of the screen                                  │
│ Block commands (Default and Classic)                                       │
│ Shortcut       │Action or command                                         │
│ ^+K+B          │Marks the beginning of a block                            │
│ ^+K+C          │Copies a selected block                                   │
│ ^+K+H          │Hides/shows a selected block                              │
│ ^+K+I          │Indents a block by the amount specified in                │
│                │the Block Indent combo box on the Editor options page of  │
│                │the Environment Options dialog box                        │
│ ^+K+K          │Marks the end of a block                                  │
│ ^+K+L          │Marks the current line as a block                         │
│ ^+K+N          │Changes a block to uppercase                              │
│ ^+K+O          │Changes a block to lowercase                              │
│ ^+K+P          │Prints selected block                                     │
│ ^+K+R          │Reads a block from a file                                 │
│ ^+K+T          │Marks a word as a block                                   │
│ ^+K+U          │Outdents a block by the amount specified                  │
│                │in the Block Indent combo box on the Editor options       │
│                │page of the Environment Options dialog box.               │
│ ^+K+V          │Moves a selected block                                    │
│ ^+K+W          │Writes a selected block to a file                         │
│ ^+K+Y          │Deletes a selected block                                  │
│ ^+O+C          │Marks a column block                                      │
│ ^+O+I          │Marks an inclusive block                                  │
│ ^+O+K          │Marks a non-inclusive block                               │
│ ^+O+L          │Marks a line as a block                                   │
│ ^+Q+B          │Moves to the beginning of a block                         │
│ ^+Q+K          │Moves to the end of a block                               │
│ Bookmark operations (Default and Classic)                                  │
│ Shortcut       │Action or command                                         │
│ ^+K+0          │Sets bookmark 0                                           │
│ ^+K+1          │Sets bookmark 1                                           │
│ ^+K+2          │Sets bookmark 2                                           │
│ ^+K+3          │Sets bookmark 3                                           │
│ ^+K+4          │Sets bookmark 4                                           │
│ ^+K+5          │Sets bookmark 5                                           │
│ ^+K+6          │Sets bookmark 6                                           │
│ ^+K+7          │Sets bookmark 7                                           │
│ ^+K+8          │Sets bookmark 8                                           │
│ ^+K+9          │Sets bookmark 9                                           │
│ ^+K+^+0        │Sets bookmark 0                                           │
│ ^+K+^+1        │Sets bookmark 1                                           │
│ ^+K+^+2        │Sets bookmark 2                                           │
│ ^+K+^+3        │Sets bookmark 3                                           │
│ ^+K+^+4        │Sets bookmark 4                                           │
│ ^+K+^+5        │Sets bookmark 5                                           │
│ ^+K+^+6        │Sets bookmark 6                                           │
│ ^+K+^+7        │Sets bookmark 7                                           │
│ ^+K+^+8        │Sets bookmark 8                                           │
│ ^+K+^+9        │Sets bookmark 9                                           │
│ ^+Q+0          │Goes to bookmark 0                                        │
│ ^+Q+1          │Goes to bookmark 1                                        │
│ ^+Q+2          │Goes to bookmark 2                                        │
│ ^+Q+3          │Goes to bookmark 3                                        │
│ ^+Q+4          │Goes to bookmark 4                                        │
│ ^+Q+5          │Goes to bookmark 5                                        │
│ ^+Q+6          │Goes to bookmark 6                                        │
│ ^+Q+7          │Goes to bookmark 7                                        │
│ ^+Q+8          │Goes to bookmark 8                                        │
│ ^+Q+9          │Goes to bookmark 9                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+0        │Goes to bookmark 0                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+1        │Goes to bookmark 1                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+2        │Goes to bookmark 2                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+3        │Goes to bookmark 3                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+4        │Goes to bookmark 4                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+5        │Goes to bookmark 5                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+6        │Goes to bookmark 6                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+7        │Goes to bookmark 7                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+8        │Goes to bookmark 8                                        │
│ ^+Q+^+9        │Goes to bookmark 9                                        │
│ These shortcuts apply only to the Default scheme:                          │
│ Shortcut       │Action or command                                         │
│ ~+^+0          │Sets bookmark 0                                           │
│ ~+^+1          │Sets bookmark 1                                           │
│ ~+^+2          │Sets bookmark 2                                           │
│ ~+^+3          │Sets bookmark 3                                           │
│ ~+^+4          │Sets bookmark 4                                           │
│ ~+^+5          │Sets bookmark 5                                           │
│ ~+^+6          │Sets bookmark 6                                           │
│ ~+^+7          │Sets bookmark 7                                           │
│ ~+^+8          │Sets bookmark 8                                           │
│ ~+^+9          │Sets bookmark 9                                           │
│ ^+0            │Goes to bookmark 0                                        │
│ ^+1            │Goes to bookmark 1                                        │
│ ^+2            │Goes to bookmark 2                                        │
│ ^+3            │Goes to bookmark 3                                        │
│ ^+4            │Goes to bookmark 4                                        │
│ ^+5            │Goes to bookmark 5                                        │
│ ^+6            │Goes to bookmark 6                                        │
│ ^+7            │Goes to bookmark 7                                        │
│ ^+8            │Goes to bookmark 8                                        │
│ ^+9            │Goes to bookmark 9                                        │
│ Cursor movement (Default and Classic)                                      │
│ Shortcut       │Action or command                                         │
│ ^+Q+B          │Moves to the beginning of a block                         │
│ ^+Q+C          │Moves to end of a file                                    │
│ ^+Q+D          │Moves to the end of a line                                │
│ ^+Q+E          │Moves to the top of the window                            │
│ ^+Q+K          │Moves to the end of a block                               │
│ ^+Q+P          │Moves to previous position                                │
│ ^+Q+R          │Moves to the beginning of a file                          │
│ ^+Q+S          │Moves to the beginning of a line                          │
│ ^+Q+T          │Moves the active line to the top of the window            │
│ ^+Q+U          │Moves the active line to the bottom of the window         │
│ ^+Q+X          │Moves to the bottom of the window                         │
│ Miscellaneous commands (Default and Classic)                               │
│ Shortcut       │Action or command                                         │
│ ^+K+D          │Accesses the menu bar                                     │
│ ^+K+E          │Changes a word to lowercase                               │
│ ^+K+F          │Changes a word to uppercase                               │
│ ^+S            │File|Save                                                 │
│ ^+Q+A          │Search|Replace                                            │
│ ^+Q+F          │Search|Find                                               │
│ ^+Q+Y          │Deletes to the end of a line                              │
│ ^+Q+[          │Finds the matching delimiter (forward)                    │
│ ^+Q+^+[        │Finds the matching delimiter (forward)                    │
│ ^+Q+]          │Finds the matching delimiter (backward)                   │
│ ^+Q+^+]        │Finds the matching delimiter (backward)                   │
│ ^+O+A          │Open file at cursor                                       │
│ ^+O+B          │Browse symbol at cursor                                   │
│ ^+O+G          │Search|Go to Line Number                                  │
│ ^+O+O          │Inserts compiler options and directives                   │
│ ^+O+U          │Toggles case                                              │

+ -

관련 글 리스트
214 C++Builder 기능키 리스트 박지훈.임프 12707 2001/11/14
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