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[39855] StringReplace 가 있었군요 ㅡ.ㅡ
볼레롱 [bolero] 1611 읽음    2005-04-15 18:35
juppie 님이 쓰신 글 :
: StringReplace 사용하면 될듯~
: Returns an AnsiString with occurrences of one substring replaced by another substring.
: enum SysUtils__93 { rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase };
: typedef Set<SysUtils__93, rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase>  TReplaceFlags;
: extern PACKAGE AnsiString __fastcall StringReplace(const AnsiString S, const AnsiString OldPattern, const AnsiString NewPattern, TReplaceFlags Flags);
: Description
: StringReplace replaces occurrences of the substring specified by OldPattern with the substring specified by NewPattern. StringReplace assumes that the source string may contain Multibyte characters.
: S is the source string, whose substrings are changed.
: OldPattern is the substring to locate and replace with NewPattern.
: NewPattern is the substring to substitute for occurrences of OldPattern.
: Flags is a set of flags that govern how StringReplace locates and replaces occurrences of OldPattern. If Flags does not include rfReplaceAll, StringReplace only replaces the first occurrence of OldPattern in S. Otherwise, StringReplace replaces all instances of OldPattern with NewPattern. If the Flags parameter includes rfIgnoreCase, The comparison operation is case insensitive.

이 함수가 있을거 같았는데요.

AnsiStringReplace 도 없고,
ReplaceAnsString 도 없길래...


만들어서 사용하고 있었는데.. ^^

덕분에  하나 알았습니다.


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